METRIC ID Findings of DVV
Response of HEI
1.1 1) Edited as per supporting documents provided
2) Provide admission approval documents received from the university for assessment period 3) Provide Year wise list of students approved by the affiliating University
2.1 Provide the list of total full time teachers in block five years (Without repeat count) indicating the departmental affiliation during the assessment period authenticated by the Principal VIEW
2.2 Provide the list of all full time teachers indicating the departmental affiliation during the assessment period authenticated by the Principal VIEW
3.1 1) Edited as per Income & Expenditure statement provided excluding Salary, Depreciation & Excess of Income over Expenditure
2) Provide Audited Statement of income and expenditure duly certified by the Principal and Charted Accountant highlighting the salary component, depreciation and excess of income over expenditure 3) Provide a statement showing the total expenditure excluding the salary component for each of the years certified by the Principal and Charted Accountant
1.2.1 1) Edited because Repetition of Add on/Certificate/Value added programs in every year during assessment period counted one only. Similarly programs conducted under regular university curriculum not considered
2) Provide Details of each program such as: Name of the program duration, list of students enrolled (with signature of students), curriculum, assessment procedures year-wise
1.2.2 1) Edited as per metric 1.2.1
2) Provide Year-wise List of the students enrolled in the Program certified by Principal
3) Provide Attendance sheet of Students participated with signature
1.3.2 1) Provide List of students along with the details of title, place of work, duration etc.
2) Provide report of the field work/ sample photographs of the field work
1.4.1 Provide Document showing the communication with the affiliating University for the Feedback provided VIEW
2.1.1 1) Edited as per supporting documents provided
2) Provide Approved admission list year-wise (first year admission) program wise from the Affiliating university
2.1.2 1) Input edited as per State reservation policy (70% oft total intake) Copy of letter issued by state govt. or Central Government indicating the reserved categories to be considered as per the state rule (in English as applicable VIEW
2.2.1 Provide a statement showing Student Vs. Full time Teacher ratio certified by Principal VIEW
2.4.1 Provide List of faculty with highest degree as per academic session wise along with particulars of degree awarding university, subject and the year of award VIEW
2.4.2 Provide List of faculty with highest degree as per academic session wise along with particulars of degree awarding university, subject and the year of award VIEW
2.6.3 1) Provide Result sheet published by the affiliating university
2) Provide Certified report from Controller of Examination of the affiliating university indicating pass percentage of students of the final year (final semester) eligible for the degree program wise / year-wise
3.2.2 Provide Brochure/ Geo tagged Photograph with date and captions; title of the workshops / seminars conducted VIEW
3.3.1 1) Edited considering Calendar year publications ( Jan- Dec)
2) Provide Link landing to the research paper
3) Provide Link to the journal website
3.3.2 Provide Web-link of books VIEW
3.4.3 1) Edited because Only extension activities for the benefit of community considered (Excluding National festivals, Days celebrations like Yoga day, Women’s day etc.,) VIEW
3.5.1 Provide Photographs (preferably with banner) and any other supporting document of relevance with proper captions and dates VIEW
4.1.2 1) Edited as per Income & Expenditure statement provided excluding expenditure incurred on Library books
2) Provide the consolidated fund allocation towards infrastructure augmentation facilities duly certified by Principal and CA.
3) Provide audited income and expenditure statement Highlighting the relevant items
4.3.2 Provide a statement showing number of computers available for student use only certified by Principal VIEW
4.4.1 Edited as per Income & Expenditure statement provided considering expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure only VIEW
5.1.1 Provide sanction letter of scholarship and freeships (in English) VIEW
5.1.2 1) As per supporting documents provided, Input modified
2) Provide Report of the events & Photographs with date and caption for each scheme or event
3) Provide attendance and certificates for the programs/students enrolled in the programs
5.1.3 1) Input modified considering programs conducted for competitive examinations and career counselling only
2) Provide Soft copy of Circular / brochure / report of program with photographs with captions of such programs along with details of the resource persons
3) Provide documents regarding the attendance of students enrolled
5.1.4 1) Input modified as per supporting documents provided
2) Provide Circular/web-link/ committee report justifying the objective of the metric
3) Provide the link to the Institutional website where the mechanism of redressal should be available as document
5.2.1 1) Input edited as per metric
2) Provide documents related to placement cell such as brochures, tie-ups etc.
5.2.2 Provide Qualifying Certificates of the students( In absence of certificate, the claim will not be considered) VIEW
5.3.1 1) Input modified because Award for a team event counted as one (Excluding Awards from intra or inter institutions or Intercollegiate) VIEW
5.3.2 1) Input modified because All activities conducted under an event counted as one event (Multiple activities on the relatively closer dates considered as one only)
2) Provide copy of circular/brochure indicating such kind of activities.
3) Provide List of events along with the list of participants and year wise signed by the Principal
6.2.2 1) Provide Institutional expenditure statements for the heads of e- governance implementation reflected in the audited statement
2) Provide Annual e-governance report approved by Governing Council
3) Provide Policy document on e- governance
6.3.2 1) Input modified because minimum 2000 Rs. /per teacher should be provided as a financial support
2) Provide List of teachers received financial support year wise under each head signed by the Principal
6.3.3 1) Input modified because Multiple participation of the faculty in the same academic year considered as one. Similarly Less than 5 days FDPs are not considered
2) Provide Event Brochures and reports year-wise
3) Provide Annual reports highlighting the programs undertaken by the teaching faculties and non-teaching staff
6.5.2 1) Input modified as per supporting documents provided
2) Provide Supporting document as per the options selected
7.1.2 Provide policy documents of the institution VIEW
7.1.3 1) Provide Policy document on environment and energy usage
2) Provide Action taken reports and achievement report as clear and Green campus initiatives